
Where in the world is RLC

For those of you that read my blog and have been wondering where I have been this last month let me explain it here. Around the same time I posted the last time in August I started with a group of friends a new weblog www.cambiemosecuador.com. (spanish, sorry for the english readers)

The blog done in collaboration with other friends tries to search solutions to my belaguered home country Ecuador. The people that write on the blog are not necessarily on agreement over the solutions, but we all agree that we have to change Ecuador. I don't know if this is going to trascend or not, and if this is going to be another story of a failed project on the net, but I am excited that this can lead to other things, personally and politically speaking. Nonetheless this is a lame excuse for not updating this blog. I will try to be more constant this time. My apoligies to my loyal readers, if I still have some after abandoning this site.

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